View Full Version : Freelander 2004 mileage change

3rd March, 2022, 05:38 PM
Hello everyone this is my first post on the forum so i hope i post correctly :) i have a landrover freelander 2004 deisel manual with 130,819 miles i am trying to read the mileage out of the dash i have noticed there is not a EEprom inside but a mc912d60acpv8 (2K38K) i was wondering if anyone would be able to help me change the miles on this, I have a few readers like CG Pro , R270+ , TL766 2 and digiprog 3 would anyone be able to tell me if this is possible for me to take a read with any of these tools ? and if so is there anything i need to know in advance with this type of mcu, thank you for your patience and time to whoever may help me.

3rd March, 2022, 07:30 PM
Update i have seem to wire up my CG pro tool and when i press read on mcu it says decrypting then says compleete and this is the file i get, anyone have any ideas how i read the rest of the file ?