View Full Version : DM500 Trusted suppliers

18th February, 2010, 03:01 PM

Newbie here, just a few questions. I have a sub with Virgin, I am looking at getting one of these cable boxes however I wanted to explore and learn a bit more about it before I do. Could anyone please help with the following? I would apreciate any advice. I am looking to pay less than ?100.00!!!

1. What box is the best for cable? Dreambox Eurovox etc....

2. Where would I find a trusted seller (origional or decent clone?)

3. Are there any picture defects with these boxes, I have a 37" LCD tv, would I loose much quality?

Thanks guys, look forward to your replies.:ciao:

18th February, 2010, 03:06 PM
All Virgin media will go nagra 3 in next month. All these boxes will be rendered useless. Do not buy save your money.

18th February, 2010, 03:27 PM
Thanks for the warning, I have read a couple of threads including this one though:


Also the nag3 hitlist has been uploaded and my area is not listed, I know it will still only be a matter of time, there must be ways around it when it happens though???:questionmark:

18th February, 2010, 03:30 PM
Also, I have an old Sky dish on my wall still, no box or card/sub, would that work with a sat version of the box?

18th February, 2010, 03:37 PM
sat version of box will need official sub or card share. Card share talk is taboo on here sorry. All areas will be cut off soon so be advised nagra 3 has been around a few years and never been cracked.

18th February, 2010, 04:04 PM
Its coming around slowly I agree, however N3 will not go live until all customers have a new card apparantly, is this correct
? if so we could still be looking at a fair few months possibly a year. There are many decrypters on this, im sure there will be a fix pretty quickly, does make me wonder if I should reconsider! Although if i do go ahead and get a box, I would hopefully get my ? back after 2 months and will only be a waiting game before N3 gets ripped to shreads! Agree?:questionmark:

18th February, 2010, 04:09 PM
Listen carefully, there will be no fix in the near future if ever for nagra 3.
Some areas already their cards ready for switch over. Everywhere will go like the other 3 areas already converted.
If you think you will get your money back in 2 months good luck with that.
No one in their right minds is buying these boxes anymore unless extremely cheap.
Cable is small potato to the hackers as satellite is where the money is and they ahve not come near hacking nagra 3.
At the end of the day it's your money.

18th February, 2010, 04:09 PM
Nagra 3 is being done area by area and then maybe all at once what is left.

18th February, 2010, 04:12 PM
You have made me reconsider for the moment with that one! lol, think I will just wait and see what happens then! thanks for your advice.

18th February, 2010, 04:20 PM
ok mate no probs.

18th February, 2010, 04:31 PM
if you want to buy a dm500, get the satellite version. YOu will never think about cable ever again

18th February, 2010, 06:15 PM
Thanks, will look into that, have only really looked into the cable versions as I have a VM sub, If I did go with sat, how would nag3 affect that? sorry if its a simple answer to a stupid question, we all learn from it though! lol. Im only really interested in getting movie channels,music and kids tv crap. Is that possible?

18th February, 2010, 06:22 PM
You will need a sky sub or a share with someone else. Sharing talk is taboo on here sorry.

18th February, 2010, 06:39 PM
Thats ok, wont go into cs at all, will it work with a freesat card or just the smallest sub with the provider? thanks fearona