View Full Version : Please clear KIA 95910-M6450 with R7F7010423 and 25lc512

23rd May, 2022, 01:58 PM
Hello to all. Please clear KIA 95910-M6450 with R7F7010423 and 25lc512. Thank you un advance.

24th May, 2022, 04:40 AM
Check and report.

24th May, 2022, 10:32 AM
Hello to all. Dragon file is not working.

24th May, 2022, 11:35 AM
Here you go,mate!

21st June, 2022, 08:57 AM
Hello to all. Sorry for late answer but in booth file I get B162000 internal fault replace SRSCM. If any one have other solution will be glad to try it.

21st June, 2022, 10:11 AM
Hello to all. I was to car now and wrote original crash data to ecu and test in car. I have the same faults like in post #3.

21st June, 2022, 09:21 PM
Hello to all. Can some one remove B162000?

23rd June, 2022, 09:13 PM
Hello to all. Some one, any one?

24th June, 2022, 08:30 AM
Hello to all. Today tested file from 95910-M7400 in my ECU. After write ECU is operational and copy of M7400, no internal error. So, I will need other original file from 95910-M6450 crash or clear no matter. Looks like my Ori file is damaged in crash.

25th June, 2023, 09:25 PM
Привет всем. Сегодня протестировал файл от 95910-M7400 в своем ЭБУ. После записи ECU в рабочем состоянии и копия M7400, внутренней ошибки нет. Итак, мне понадобится другой оригинальный файл от 95910-M6450, сбой или очистка, неважно. Похоже, мой файл Ori поврежден при сбое.

hi my friend, i need a working 95910-m7400, can you help me?

27th June, 2023, 08:16 AM
Hello to all. Today tested file from 95910-M7400 in my ECU. After write ECU is operational and copy of M7400, no internal error. So, I will need other original file from 95910-M6450 crash or clear no matter. Looks like my Ori file is damaged in crash.
Hi buddy
So now i know two things:
1. the same module can be used as two different part numbers.
2. the internal error can be cleared by correct file.
Buddy can you please tell if you wrote the new file with new part number placing it same as fitted in vehicle or it could be upside down.