View Full Version : VAG edc17cp14 cloning

21st June, 2022, 07:36 PM
Hello everyone, need to clone an edc17cp14 ecu with Tprot 7 Level, problem is i can t fine spare ecu with same number, i found list with compatible ecu numbers, question is: will classic IMMo off solution work? immo off works only by eeprom mod, but since ecu number is different , it may be posible it comes from a different gearbox etc, will it work if write over the flash??

21st June, 2022, 08:55 PM
Write you new Ecu with Virtual Read form your old ecu by OBD and then do immo off in EEPROM and Flash and all good.

21st June, 2022, 09:19 PM
Anyone can confirm this method??

22nd June, 2022, 12:37 PM
No one??? need to know if it works cloning with different ecu number, bosch shows as compatible ecu number

Junkyard Dog
22nd June, 2022, 01:27 PM
Yes if you have compatible numbers you can clone it.... From "ori ecu" you must save flash+eep....then you must from "donor ecu" read and save flash+eep.... And then you must clone / swap immo data from " ori ecu " to " donor ecu " ....and then you can write flash + eep to " donor ecu " all will work .. no need immo off

22nd June, 2022, 03:46 PM
Here if someone can help me swap / clone immo data . thanks In advance. Donor ecu is not same bosch number but is compatible one.

23rd June, 2022, 07:16 AM
still need help with this....someone able? thank you..