View Full Version : map tips for bmw f30 316d my2012

18th August, 2022, 10:35 AM
Hello guys, I ordered this kit to read the ecu:
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005002663738660.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.3 10b6368psouqP&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu

The problem is that I got scared because I thought I just had to read the file, edit it and rewrite it. but I discovered that if I do not unlock the control unit I risk locking the car and making an absurd mess :( kindly someone of good will who tells me the correct procedure, the programs and how to safely use a kess clone? Would you do me a favor I hope to learn and then be able to give my contribution too, helping other people in my turn based on the experiences I will do. Thanks again in advance for the help you will give me.

18th August, 2022, 12:04 PM
you can not write this ecu with kess clone.
Kess clone save but this clone can not write your ecu.

19th August, 2022, 01:51 AM
you can not write this ecu with kess clone.
Kess clone save but this clone can not write your ecu.

Thanks for your comprehensive answer.
if i can only read with this kess how can i then write the modified file?
is it a problem of updates or just the difference between the original kess and the cloned one? Maybe there is a particular procedure for doing this? If you can explain me the simplest and safest way to read and write the ECU of my car without problems, perhaps by purchasing or using other tools or programs, I would be very grateful, thanks again.

19th August, 2022, 11:02 AM
Hello everyone, I documented and I read that the latest version of the kess v2 clone should also be able to read the ECUs of the f30.
now I don't know if it is a limit of the old program or a limit of the kess and therefore you have to act by disassembling the control unit and using ktag, if someone could give me some information I would be grateful, thanks again.

19th August, 2022, 11:40 AM
Yes kess 5030 do it like a charm.

19th August, 2022, 03:40 PM
Sì kess 5030 fallo come un incantesimo.

sorry if I contradict you but before buying I read the information on this device, precisely that it could work with the bmw f30 from this version.
I'll tell you the wording I found on version 2.80


Complete with automatic checksum correction

With this tool you can rewrite an original or modified file in the vehicle's ECU in a few minutes through OBD communication.

It can be connected to cars, motorcycles, trucks, tractors and boats.

All wiring and adapters necessary for connections are included in the price


All the news compared to all the old kess:

Added many protocols such as:






FORD / LAND ROVER SID208 / 209 reading and writing via OBD

FORD SID807 OBD read and write via OBD

FORD SID211 OBD read and write via OBD





19th August, 2022, 05:51 PM
i think not that 5017/2.8v good working with F moddells

buy 5030 round 1100 euro and have vr support and 100% stable because fully reworked and no trouble.

19th August, 2022, 09:19 PM
If you're brave enough, you can try, but you will probably fail with clone kess and end up bricking by your ecu

19th August, 2022, 09:33 PM
i think not that 5017/2.8v good working with F moddells

buy 5030 round 1100 euro and have vr support and 100% stable because fully reworked and no trouble.

I'm sure your advice is right, but as a novice enthusiast, and not wanting to do it for work, but to better set my f30 I think 1100euro is a bit too much for a novice whim :)
however when I get there I hope to be able to do the reading, I believe that with that you can not do damage to the control unit I hope, then when I understand better if I can do it, informing myself better I will proceed to write, in the meantime if others have experiences about these clones with latest versions etc. are always welcome advice, thanks again for the valuable suggestions.

21st August, 2022, 04:38 PM
anyone who has had experience with this kess clone with a bmw? specifically with a bosh EDC17C50 control unit? at least that you can recommend me an economic alternative with which I can try to read and write the ecu without messing up, thanks again.

21st August, 2022, 08:55 PM
kess 5030 obd
tgflash obd (cheap)
pcmtuner bench+obd

22nd August, 2022, 01:38 PM
anyone who has had experience with this kess clone with a bmw? specifically with a bosh EDC17C50 control unit? at least that you can recommend me an economic alternative with which I can try to read and write the ecu without messing up, thanks again.

Yup what Trice said, either you chose the least economic option of the 1100e tool reworked, KTAG it which would be my first go as its pretty much guaranteed to successfully read the ecu with the least expenditure most economic option or lastly buy this new china clone called PCMTUNER, it can read your ecu over bench (removing the ecu and connecting wires directly to the ecu but not needing to open it) which would be a nice middle ground out of the 3 options.
However if you're not comfortable soldering then the kess5030 is your best bet as ktag requires it and so does pcmtuner as its transistors sometimes need to be replaced to properly read via bench.

23rd August, 2022, 03:12 PM
Già quello che ha detto Trice, o hai scelto l'opzione meno economica dello strumento 1100e rielaborato, KTAG sarebbe il mio primo tentativo in quanto è praticamente garantito per leggere con successo l'ecu con la minima spesa più economica opzione o infine acquista questo nuovo clone cinese chiamato PCMTUNER, può leggere la tua ecu da banco (togliendo la ecu e collegando i fili direttamente alla ecu ma non serve aprirla) che sarebbe una bella via di mezzo tra le 3 opzioni.
Tuttavia, se non ti senti a tuo agio con la saldatura, il kess5030 è la soluzione migliore poiché ktag lo richiede e anche pcmtuner poiché i suoi transistor a volte devono essere sostituiti per essere letti correttamente tramite bench.

Thank you very much for the advice given, in practice I was duped, since the seller of the kess guaranteed me that with this clone 5.017 v2.80
but in practice it is impossible to do it with this clone via obd socket,
when I get it I will immediately return it as it is not effective and maybe I will proceed to buy one of the recommended tools.
I repeat I am an amateur, I would like to prepare only my car and then spend 1100euro for a kess 5.030 I think it is quite useless, I will see what will be more convenient and I will proceed with the purchase, thanks for the advice :)

23rd August, 2022, 08:13 PM
now I have connected the kess and in fact I have seen that there is no bmw f30 ... I was fooled because I thought that after the update other newer cars were added and instead, the seller wrote a false description . from how I understood the only way to read and write a control unit for my f30 in an economic way is through the ktag clone that comuqnue by disconnecting the control unit and putting it on the right pins should read and write without problems, you recommend it as a system ? and in any case with the clone you have to disconnect the ecu in any way, connect the pins and put some wires on the pcb of the ecu? let me know if it is too difficult and delicate? thanks again for the valuable advice

23rd August, 2022, 10:49 PM
this tool wont 100% flash your ecu, you will brick it. just pay a little bit more money and buy a pcm tuner, fetrotech, ktm or ecu bench tool that you find on internet or aliexpress, you will be able to do it in bench mode without problems with one of those tools and you wont risk nothing, dont ~~~~ up your car, is better to spend now 400$ than later 1000$ or more for a new ecu + programming. doesen't mean that will work because you got the car on ksuite software, this clone is good only for old ecus, personally i use it for do edc15, edc16 (and one time i ~~~~ed up a edc16u1 on touran while writing), some denso ecus, marelli and nothing more.

(non fare cazzate, sono del mestiere, paga un tool, la mappa te la faccio io e non ti chiedo un centesimo ma se vuoi farlo tu non comprare quella merda, nemmeno i tool elencati sopra sono originali, ma io ho un pcm tuner a casa e faccio le edc17 in bench senza problemi e ho già fatto parecchie edc17c50 con quel tool, saluti e se hai bisogno contattami)

24th August, 2022, 01:07 AM
questo strumento non lampeggerà al 100% la tua ecu, la mattonellerai. basta pagare un po di soldi in più e acquistare un tool pcm tuner, fetrotech, ktm o ecu bench che trovi su internet o aliexpress, potrai farlo in modalità bench senza problemi con uno di quegli strumenti e non rischi nulla , non ~~~~ alzare la macchina, è meglio spendere ora 400$ che dopo 1000$ o più per una nuova ecu + programmazione. non significa che funzionerà perché hai l'auto su software ksuite, questo clone va bene solo per le vecchie ecu, personalmente lo uso per fare edc15, edc16 (e una volta ho ~~~~ed un edc16u1 su touran mentre scrivendo), qualche denso ecu, marelli e nient'altro.

(non fare cazzate, sono del mestiere, paga un tool, la mappa te la faccio io e non ti chiedo un centesimo ma se vuoi farlo tu non comprare quella merda, nemmeno i tool elencati sopra sono originali, ma io ho un pcm tuner a casa e faccio le edc17 in bench senza problemi e ho già fatto parecchie edc17c50 con quel tool, saluti e se hai bisogno contattami)

thank you so much,
your advice is welcome, in fact disassemble the control unit, and open it would really go beyond my technical possibilities. but anyway more generally I don't want to mess with this car.
Disassemble the control unit without opening it I could do it, in fact I have seen a lot of guides here and there that tell of not being able to completely read the edc17c50 control unit with the Chinese ktag clone.
Can you give me some advice on which model class to buy? sincerely I would like to take the simpler and cheaper model of this pcm tuner. For example, is this cheap variant on alix valid?
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005003793379272.html?spm=a2g0o.ppclist.product.2. 2a8aNOWwNOWwZ6&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21EUR%21€%20153%2C13%21€%20125%2C3 7%21%21%21%21%21%40211b5dfd16612979655137568ead74% 2112000027183714647%21btf&_t=pvid%3A532a7319-b49a-4f7b-873f-8b579a947100&afTraceInfo=1005003793379272__pc__pcBridgePPC__xxx xxx__1661297965&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu

Thank you very much for your availability and kindness.

24th August, 2022, 05:48 AM
thank you so much,
your advice is welcome, in fact disassemble the control unit, and open it would really go beyond my technical possibilities. but anyway more generally I don't want to mess with this car.
Disassemble the control unit without opening it I could do it, in fact I have seen a lot of guides here and there that tell of not being able to completely read the edc17c50 control unit with the Chinese ktag clone.
Can you give me some advice on which model class to buy? sincerely I would like to take the simpler and cheaper model of this pcm tuner. For example, is this cheap variant on alix valid?
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005003793379272.html?spm=a2g0o.ppclist.product.2. 2a8aNOWwNOWwZ6&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21EUR%21€%20153%2C13%21€%20125%2C3 7%21%21%21%21%21%40211b5dfd16612979655137568ead74% 2112000027183714647%21btf&_t=pvid%3A532a7319-b49a-4f7b-873f-8b579a947100&afTraceInfo=1005003793379272__pc__pcBridgePPC__xxx xxx__1661297965&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu

Thank you very much for your availability and kindness.
Quello nero con il dongle da 67 moduli, l’ecu è semplice da smontare apri il cofano alla tua destra hai una scatola nera con delle torx, la apri e con calma togli l’ecu che ha solo le 2 spine ed è bloccata da due clip di plastica che basta premere una alla volta e si toglie, sicuramente ktm ti darà un programma con i pinout per connettersi alla ecu una volta fatto il pinout colleghi tutto apri il programma e con il modulo 71 ti connetti, sullo schema del pinout vedi anche che microprocessore monta l’ecu, la selezioni, esempio: tc1797 flash, fai l’ id e leggi la flash che contiene le mappe, poi ti leggi anche la eproom per avere un full backup, poi per la modifica del file te lo posso fare io senza problemi, saluti

24th August, 2022, 01:35 PM
Quello nero con il dongle da 67 moduli, l’ecu è semplice da smontare apri il cofano alla tua destra hai una scatola nera con delle torx, la apri e con calma togli l’ecu che ha solo le 2 spine ed è bloccata da due clip di plastica che basta premere una alla volta e si toglie, sicuramente ktm ti darà un programma con i pinout per connettersi alla ecu una volta fatto il pinout colleghi tutto apri il programma e con il modulo 71 ti connetti, sullo schema del pinout vedi anche che microprocessore monta l’ecu, la selezioni, esempio: tc1797 flash, fai l’ id e leggi la flash che contiene le mappe, poi ti leggi anche la eproom per avere un full backup, poi per la modifica del file te lo posso fare io senza problemi, saluti

You came to save me and I say thank you my friend, for the excellent advice :)
what would the dongle do? so in practice just take the model KTM BENCH V1.20 Tool Flash EEPROM with bench included, which the cheapest should cost around 150 / 180euro from china and I should be able to read and write without risk and without opening the control unit itself but removing it from the seat, thanks again for what you do and for your precious advice, today I proceed to purchase this kit from alix and I will wait with a lot of curiosity for its arrival, thanks again.

24th August, 2022, 06:44 PM
You came to save me and I say thank you my friend, for the excellent advice :)
what would the dongle do? so in practice just take the model KTM BENCH V1.20 Tool Flash EEPROM with bench included, which the cheapest should cost around 150 / 180euro from china and I should be able to read and write without risk and without opening the control unit itself but removing it from the seat, thanks again for what you do and for your precious advice, today I proceed to purchase this kit from alix and I will wait with a lot of curiosity for its arrival, thanks again.
get the kit that has the dongle, the dongle contains the modules for make it work with software, without you wont be able to r/w any ecu, you got more options just because theres people that already has dongle or wathever, is quite easy when you get it out from the car for make the r/w just be patient, take a light, take a good seat and start the pinout :) everything will be written on your screen so don't worry

25th August, 2022, 12:46 AM
[QUOTE=shendlaw;4394689]prendi il kit che ha il dongle, il dongle contiene i moduli per farlo funzionare con il software, senza che tu possa r/w nessuna ecu, hai più opzioni solo perché c'è gente che ha già dongle o wathever, è abbastanza facile quando lo esci dall'auto per fare in modo che il r/w abbia solo pazienza, prendi una luce, prendi un buon posto e inizia la piedinatura :)tutto sarà scritto sul tuo schermo quindi non preoccuparti [ /CITAZIONE]

thank you for your valuable advice and for fueling my passion for this new world :) very interesting and full of things to learn and get passionate about.
I hope this ktm 67 in 1 kit arrives soon. Thanks again and if you have any other tips, manuals, programs or ways to learn better to understand the parameters of the maps, in the meantime I will pass the time.

in the meantime I used the kess v12 clone to read my old opel astra h with 440000km made by me :) at least I start to practice, I just posted on another discussion the map made a long time ago. the original file from the database
and then the modified stage 1 file always taken from the database.

28th August, 2022, 12:07 PM
with this tool (67 in 1) is it possible to make a change to the ecu of the automatic transmission zf8?
I placed the order on aliexpress, hope it reaches me as soon as possible :)

28th August, 2022, 12:21 PM
with this tool (67 in 1) is it possible to make a change to the ecu of the automatic transmission zf8?
I placed the order on aliexpress, hope it reaches me as soon as possible :)
it wont read the tcu, far as i know you can do some dsg/cvt nothing more

28th August, 2022, 12:54 PM
it wont read the tcu, far as i know you can do some dsg/cvt nothing more

hell what a mess to have a cheap tool to map everything you need on this bmw f30.
We hope that the gearbox responds well to the torque and power boost, what do you think of the file already made that runs on the web that brings the 316d from 116hp to 190hp?
they say it is tried and tested and that it works well

28th August, 2022, 01:35 PM
hell what a mess to have a cheap tool to map everything you need on this bmw f30.
We hope that the gearbox responds well to the torque and power boost, what do you think of the file already made that runs on the web that brings the 316d from 116hp to 190hp?
they say it is tried and tested and that it works well
my idea is to always remap your file with a custom map thats done for your car not for 1000 other cars, i think the file will work great ofc because its tested but if you want to achive other thing you must opt for a custom remap of your file, about the gearbox you wont have problems till you dont go up for more power than 220hp (stage2 with downpipe etc)

29th August, 2022, 10:28 AM
la mia idea è di rimappare sempre il tuo file con una mappa personalizzata che è fatta per la tua auto non per altre 1000 auto, penso che il file funzionerà benissimo perché è testato ma se vuoi ottenere altre cose tu devi optare per una rimappatura personalizzata del tuo file, per quanto riguarda il cambio non avrai problemi fino a quando non sali per più di 220 CV (stage2 con downpipe ecc.)

thanks for your valuable advice :) i ordered this, in the end:
https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005003774760572.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.6ae32e 0epuOwKx&gatewayAdapt=glo2ita

I hope it works well since the control unit mounted on my f30 is mentioned. Thanks for what you do and for the excellent advice given, as soon as I get there I'll let you know :)

29th August, 2022, 11:55 AM
thanks for your valuable advice :) i ordered this, in the end:
https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005003774760572.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.6ae32e 0epuOwKx&gatewayAdapt=glo2ita

I hope it works well since the control unit mounted on my f30 is mentioned. Thanks for what you do and for the excellent advice given, as soon as I get there I'll let you know :)
Yes, the one that costs 180e is perfect with bench tool and dongle

30th August, 2022, 01:12 AM
Yes, the one that costs 180e is perfect with bench tool and dongle

Mythical Scendlaw. in a short time you acquired my confidence and directed me to the right path. I'm just starting out and I thank you for teaching me and directing me on the right way, what to buy, etc., I can't wait to try this f30 with the new map. thanks again Friend!

30th August, 2022, 12:07 PM
Mythical Scendlaw. in a short time you acquired my confidence and directed me to the right path. I'm just starting out and I thank you for teaching me and directing me on the right way, what to buy, etc., I can't wait to try this f30 with the new map. thanks again Friend!
You are welcome, for any tip just pm me and we can change contacts eachother