View Full Version : S3000 MPPS full read

12th September, 2022, 02:58 PM
Hello there!
Does anyone know, whether it's possible to do a full read (and perhaps write) of a Sagem/Valeo/JC S3000 with MPPS over OBD?
I have a MPPS v18, in full read mode it actually reads almost complete 512kiB flash file, but the first 32kiB from 0 to 7FFF is all FFs, so such readout is useless if I wanted to flash another ECU with it. Are the first 32kiB somehow protected from reading/writing over OBD? Though pretty sure Reprog can do a reflash if there is a firmware update for the ECU.

Or maybe the first 32kiB are not important and the file can be used just fine without it? I can't imagine this to be the case though.


The answer is no, a clone MPPS v18 can neither full read nor full write an S3000. With read it at least tries to read most of the flash, aside from first 32kB which is perhaps somehow read-protected. With write, I thought it could at least flash a full bin, but it appears to only write the data part regardless of settings, so it's a no go.