View Full Version : How To Set Up iNav Based Themes By KRS

3rd March, 2010, 12:44 PM
Thanks to Chris themers no longer have to tediously explain how to set up themes based on iNav. This can be referenced with the release of these themes.
What Is An iNav Based Theme?
An iNav based theme is a theme based on the iNav theme ? hahaha
The original iNav theme(pictured below),

creted by Reeco, was a very revolutionary theme because it was the first theme to use the SpringJumps app.
What Is SpringJumps?
The column on the side of this theme is what makes this theme unique. Each icon is actually a SpringJump. The SpringJumps app was created by Lance Fetters aka ? ashikase?. This app creates up to 8 Springjumps. Icons that can be used like a short cut you create on your desktop, each springjump acts like a trampoline directing you to a specific springboard page.
For example:
When you press the SpringJump with the number ? 2 ? you will automatically ?Jump? to the page #2 of your SpringBoard. Now, you change the SprinJump #2 to any name or icon you would like, stock, for example lets change it to ?Web?,
When you press the ?Web? icon you?ll jump to the ? Web? section or ?Web? page.
It may sound a little complicated but it is really a very simple concept. Instead of sliding your finger through 8 different pages of app you can set up pages of same category apps, that you can make a SpringJump for to direct you to what you are looking for easier and keep your iPhone looking nice and clean.
Common issues with SpringJumps:
Legend: P (problem) S (solution)
P: Icons not aligned.
S: Go to SpringJumps app and disable the ? Page titles?
P: I don?t get any SpringJumps.
S: Go to SpringJumps app and enable the SpringJumps you need.
P: SpringJumps are enabled but they are not showing up.
S: Open up SBSettings and press on ?More? and make sure SpringJumps are not hidden.
P: I still don?t see any SpringJumps!!!
S: Some apps aren?t compatible with some others? try to delete the one you think is creating the problem.
P: I don?t know how to get more than 8 SrpingJumps
S: You need to read the SHH section.
iBlank is an app that lets you create many transparent icons so that you can set up certain themes to look nice and keep the apps from auto aligning in columns and rows. You?ll usually need to create several blanks to make an iNav based theme look perfect.
Problems Related With iBlank:
Legend: P (problem) S (solution)
P: Each time I hit a blank icon, safari pops up
S: Download ?BlankNull? from cydia
Categories is an awesome app that allows you to clean up your spring board by allowing you to create folder to put your apps into. You usually use this in iNav based theme to get rid of apps that you don?t have icons for or to keep your SpringJumps pages from being cluttered. Many iNav themes requires this app ( Many of my themes need this app. Mac os x Mobile, welcome?etc).
Okay, here is the biggest piece of the puzzle. In order to get the theme working perfectly you will need to SSH into your iPhone and add and/or edit some files and/or folders.
How to SSH:
First, you need to download a program to your PC.
iPhoneBrowseris a good one.
There are a lot of SHH programs to choose from ( WinSCP, DiskAid, Funbox etc?).
For this tutorial I will use iPhoneBrowser.
1- Download iPhoneBrowser
2- Dowload from Cydia a package called ? OpenSHH ?
3- Plug your device to you PC via USB
4- Launch iPhonebrowser
5- You?re in!
6- Now you will see a list of folders.
7- Now just follow the path you need to go.
ex: var/stash/themes/
8- Look for the folder named var then the one named Stash and finally you will click on the one named Themes
To add more SprigJumps:
First of all, you will need to have all the SpringJumps that you need to SSH into your iPhone ready to upload (In my themes there is always a Folder named ? Krs Jumps, Jumps or Srpingjumps? inside the main folder of the theme).
You need to select all folders.
ex: _shortcut00_3.app
Drag them to var/stash/applications(Its always the same path)
To change/add an icon for your theme:
Icons: var/stash/themes/?yourtheme?/icons
( Thanks to I*C)
1. First, make sure you have OpenSSH installed on your iPhone (Open ?Cydia? and search for ?OpenSSH)
2. Connect your Mac and iPhone to your wireless network
3. Get IP address from your iPhone by choosing ?Settings -> WiFi (Click on the blue arrow next to the network you are connected to)
4. Open CyberDuck
5. Click on ?Bookmarks? to create a bookmark of your connection
6. Click on ?+? sign at the bottom left corner
7. In the ?Nickname? field type a name for this connection
8. Choose ?SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) from Protocol drop down menu
9. In the ?Server? field type your iPhone?s IP address
10. Type ?root? in the ?Username? field.
11. Close your bookmark window. You should be able to see your new bookmark in the bookmarks list.
13. Double click on your new bookmark. If CyberDuck asks you to enter a password, type in ?alpine? and hit ?Enter?
14. You are in! Here is how it looks like