View Full Version : Audi A8 MED17.1.1 Password Problem

21st November, 2022, 07:44 PM
Please help with suggestion.
I am using FC-200 programmer to clone MED17.1.1 ECU but can't read/copy D and PFlash because it's asking for a password but I can not read it.
I tried 3 different diagrams but can't read the password. Any suggestions?

Thank you!


26th November, 2022, 01:25 PM
There are several ways to read the flash password:
- OBD using CCP protocol (CANID 7C3/7C4)
- OBD using INCA(?) protocol (CANID 6F0/6F1)
- GPT mode (CANID 523/525)

When you talk about diagrams I assume you are trying GPT mode (Applying 2 signals on 2 pins).

Rgs H2Deetoo

5th December, 2022, 08:27 PM
Yes. I am trying to use the GPT Mode to read.

5th December, 2022, 08:52 PM
Yes. I am trying to use the GPT Mode to read.
Are you sure Who Is tc1796?.
Med 17.1.1 Is also tc1797