View Full Version : A-class 168 1.4 petrol - Start Error

4th March, 2010, 11:43 PM
Hey guys,

Can anyone help me with non runner A-class 168. Car was sitting without battery for longer period of time and now gives "Start Error" non LCD.

ECU (VDO) is together with MAF. Is there a solution to reset it?


5th March, 2010, 06:35 AM
yes,immo is on flash

5th March, 2010, 08:21 AM
have somebody scheme for op panel

6th March, 2010, 01:14 AM
must chek first if the promblem is from transporter (key) after if the ATA is ok if all this is ok informe the number of motor ecu i sent u the virgin dump u need star with develop for syngronise:questionmark:

6th March, 2010, 06:05 AM
i..o is on 29f200, immotool 2 can repair

6th March, 2010, 09:31 PM
Ok, I had few times a problem with A class 168 like this one. They sometimes loose the key code from the engine ECU, sometimes they loose the coding with the VIN number from the same ECU, and some times it is just the comunication blocked between the engine ecu and the key reader box. It always happens because somebody tried to start or just for turning ignition on with empty battery. If the battery is OK now, try to unplug the minus lead for few minutes, take it back and try to start the car. I must say that reseting the ECUs with full battery is not the same thing like doing it with a empty one. If the problem was the bad im*o comunication the car will start. Next solution, take a Star diagnosis and do the coding once again, like the engine ECU is a new one, You will find the right coding in EPC, in the table under "code" option. If even this method dont work, take the Engine ECU on your desk, read the 29f200 and post the dump here, then put inside the repaired one and there you go. Maybe you will still need a Star to do the coding but let us make the im*o work first.