View Full Version : A4 immo off

20th December, 2022, 01:37 PM
Hello everyone. I am asking for help in properly disabled immo. Edc16cp34. Vvdi does immo off but car won't start. I see that this eeprom has deficiencies because there is no Pin, Mac, CS. And I don't know if this is the reason or Vvdi is not doing it properly immo off

20th December, 2022, 02:50 PM
Hello everyone. I am asking for help in properly disabled immo. Edc16cp34. Vvdi does immo off but car won't start. I see that this eeprom has deficiencies because there is no Pin, Mac, CS. And I don't know if this is the reason or Vvdi is not doing it properly immo off
pin 55814
cs: 22A7E686454F00

21st December, 2022, 01:52 PM
Hi thank you very much. It didn't show my pin. In the parameters I have the immo status removed but the car does not start. Ecu is after programming by someone. Would anyone have a complete bdm backup for this ecu. Thank you very much for your help

21st December, 2022, 02:11 PM
Hi thank you very much. It didn't show my pin. In the parameters I have the immo status removed but the car does not start. Ecu is after programming by someone. Would anyone have a complete bdm backup for this ecu. Thank you very much for your help
check this file again
only immo ID is missing

21st December, 2022, 02:36 PM
Hi. Will try tomorrow. But I'm 99% sure it's not immo's fault. Because it spilled out to my friend when he uploaded the flash. Because he changed the SW from automatic to manual. I didn't make a backup. Ecu coding spilled out and the car stopped starting. Since the immo status is set to 1 in the parameters, the immo in file 1 should be ok off. I put my eeprom from another car and it won't start either. As he uploaded a completely different number of SW. This car will not start. From what I remember, since it has micro flash (Current), it must be compatible with external flash. So here you need a set of internal flash and external from one ecu.