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    Default Android 12 memory full app install playstore

    Do you know how to access the internal memory of the installed app folders, for example WhatsApp? Before Android 10, the entire memory system was accessible!!

  2. #2
    Newbie SamS's Avatar
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    With Android 10 (API level 29) and above, Google has implemented additional file system access restrictions to improve user security and privacy. These changes are part of the Scoped Storage policy, which gives apps access to only their own files and media without requiring access to the entire file system.
    It is not easy to access the internal memory and folders of installed apps like WhatsApp without root. but there are several ways.
    Using a file manager from the app itself: Some apps, including WhatsApp, provide their own tools for managing and exporting data, such as chats, photos and videos.
    Data backup, export or restore. This may also include transferring data to another device or smartphone accessories here
    By connecting the device to your computer via USB, you can access some files and folders, although access will be limited compared to previous versions of Android.
    Developers can use tools like Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to manage files and apps on the device. This method requires you to enable developer mode on your Android device.
    Gaining root access: Gaining full control of your device allows you to bypass Android's file access restrictions. However, this method comes with risks such as loss of warranty, possible security issues.
    Last edited by SamS; 5th March, 2024 at 12:31 PM.



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