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  1. #1
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    Default BMW MGU UNIT need to repair

    Has anyone tried to repare BMW MGU HU High D1, Harman?
    the background is like this:
    MGU died in a autoservis...
    that is, they put it in the workshop and everything working..
    We disconnected and connected the battery many times - maybe this had an effect, maybe something else is not clear,
    but at one point the screen turned black, MGU diagnostics are not available
    bought a new one MGU - registered and activated
    the task is to repare the old one MGU
    I read on the table rh850, emmc, is25lp016, is25wp064, on the dead one and on the new one
    I copied everything, but the old MGU did not start...
    Now I decided to connect via UART by analogy with MMI3GP
    There are RX TX points, I connected them, but there is garbage in the terminal...
    In general, any help is welcome
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    THANKS + REP if I help you

  2. #2
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    hi, no emmc and rh850 files left? I also need mgu repair



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