Hey everyone!

I'm running into some trouble trying to connect to my 2018 Sprinter 907 om651 2.2 CDI. I'm using a ds150e dual board with 1622 firmware, but whenever I try using Autocom 2020.23, I get the error shown in the image below:

2024-04-05 235758.jpg

Could my interface be too old for this car? What's odd is that I can read error codes through Generic OBD. It scans every instrument except the engine. I've tried selecting every model year from 2018 to 2021. Models from 2019 and up with an om651 engine do connect, but they don't recognize my engine. They only show error codes with an "unknown error" label. I'm stuck because I can't perform any adaptations or the DPF regeneration I need right now.

Thanks in advance for any help