I want to start thanking to help me. Car: e91 2008 318d 143hp manual (ecu: edc17c06 / 0281015042) Ok, so the story is :
I buyed the car with engine flooded with Water, found ouț ecu was gone too , no comm on bench or boot mode with IT. I buyed a used ecu with same hw number and read flash from IT and sendit to a company (which made me a few file service in the past) to immo off flash (dde-cas sync off) because I dont have noone near me to read isn and transfer IT. They made immo off and car started fine , no problem .. I connected ista and I saw that is an error : 2e3c EWS Antitampering protection... car started and drive so I didnt bother with the error to much... after a few hours I had red steering wheel lock în the dash but car still started and drive with no problems , code A0AA. I tried elv counter reset with tool32 and error was gone for a few hours .. and came back after about 8hours. My question is .. can that ews error stored cause this red steering error? Thank you for your Time!