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  1. #1
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    Default 4K Satellite receiver box

    Hi there. I'm looking for a satellite receiver box which can replace my Dreambox 800se (but if I could take out the 2.5 harddrive and put it in the new box that would be great, but if not, then fair enough). Since I haven't been looking for a receiver box for some time, I don't really know if there is literally a goto receiver box that does everything most ppl would need it to do.
    So having a hard drive is a given, but also if it has an app store like the Amazon firestick or of that ilk, where I can download VPN for example, also if the box can operate I P T & V smoothly, and could run Tivimate for example. So functions like a Firestick, yet, still runs as a normal satellite receiver box.
    Is there such a device?
    Last edited by sony007; 21st November, 2024 at 04:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Retired Sat TV Addict
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    Hi mate

    I've been out of the game for a long long time, but a) this section has died down alot so not sure if you'll get an answer and b) I know there are some STB's that can run IP but not aware of them being able to do the other things a firestick can do

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  3. #3
    Top Poster + sony007's Avatar
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    Thanks Jackpot -Yes from looking into this more and more I think I’ll still need to acquire a Firestick, which is fine.



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