I'm a newbie here and joined to post this problem.
I've tried searching various forums for a solution to no avail.

PC: IBM Thinkpad T42P with XPpro
Car: 2005 Mk4 VW Golf 1.9 PD TDi
Galletto 1260 Cables Purchased from 'Cablebrowser' on Ebay from Hong Kong.

Followed setup instructions to the letter; Copied disk to Laptop HDD, Connected cable, red light illuminated and installed driver correctly.
Connected cable, switch on Ignition to position 2, start Galletto software, select Golf 4 1.9PD, with Maker (VW) and Driver (VW 1900 Bosch EDC 15 P 29F400) selected.
Press ECU Data button, "Start Data Recording" is displayed, the screen flickers briefly (as if something is working) and the cursor turns to hourglass (indicating work in progress).
From there nothing seems to happen!
Opening Task Manager shows the Process NEW_SERIALexe switching between 0% and 81% usage about every 1 to 2 seconds.
No progress bar is displayed and percentage progress stays at 0%.
I have waited in this situation many times for as long as 10 minutes with the same outcome.
I have also tried connecting in a different order, starting software and then connecting, multiple modifications of the connecting/startup order but the outcome is still the same, the ECU data is not read.

This leads me to the possibility of a defective cable.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.