Respected readers welcome,

After using several programs i discovered Xyplorer, it has all
the features which many of them where missing.Even Total commander hasn't got some of them like Undo/redo,customizable keyboard shortcuts etc...Directory opus also fails in comparison to this in easy usage. The greatest things are that i am discovering new features every month and the developer of Xy "Donald" improves Xy daily.

Main features--
1) Dual pane file manager with tabs.
2) Queued file operations.
3) One-click previews of all important image, audio.
4. Undo/redo of file operations
5. Customizable keyboard shortcuts.
6. Powerful file search.

XYplorer - A Windows File Manager and Explorer Replacement

Also one can set single key shortcuts for back/forward like "[" for back and "]" for forward,usually in win explorer this happens by alt+left arrow/right arrow.Set "/" for root of the folder,which takes u to d: or c: even though one is in deep sub-folders.

raama--raama from india.