Ok guys you've heard of 0800 firmware for backing up XBOX 360 games, well this is how you do it. Also this method will give you SSv2 that is prefered by all newer firmware coming out.
Through this, I will show you how to setup to RIP a game to your PC, check and Patch it, then Burn it to Disc using a XBOX 360 DVD Drive & your PC.
First off you will need to flash a XBOX Drive with the 0800 FW that is located in this thread here Samsung BenQ and Liteon drives have the 0800 FW but nothing for Hitachi. As the drive is not going to be used inside a console, you wont need a 'key' inserted into the FW but, if your using the drive out of your own console and not a spare MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR FIRMWARE - LOST KEYS WILL RESULT IN BRICKED XBOX'S. There will only be yourself to blame, you were WARNED.
What you will need :
XBOX Drive flashed with either IX 1.6/1.61 or 0800- Samsung - BenQ - Liteon
Copy of XBOX Backup Creator - See attatchment
Ok when your drive is flashed to 0800 FW your doing to have to connect it to your PC through a Compatable Chipset (Recomended VIA 6421) Once done you will need to check its seen by the PC. Eject the tray, power off the drive, insert tray manually to half way position, wait 30 seconds, power back on. Goto device manager on the PC and scan for hardware changes ensuring that your drive is now seen by the PC
Note that the VIA Drivers are installed, this allows the PC to see the XBOX Drive (PBS VAD6038 under DVD Drives)
Next onto XBOX Backup Creator
Open XBBC and select the XBOX Drive
Insert your game and ensure Complete backup is selected, choose save location and filename, then click start
Wait approx 15 mins until complete
Now you have your backed up game you should now run it through ABGX
Download and instal ABGX and set it up with the following settings