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Thread: FORUM RULES...

  1. #1
    Devilfish's Avatar
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    Default FORUM RULES...

    From the Owner and Staff here at Digital Kaos, we warmly welcome you to our forum.

    Please have a read of the following rules and abide by them at all times, in particular to Rule #6

    Thank you, and enjoy your time and experience here.

    Please respect each other and don't flame new members.

    2. If you have an issue with a member, PM a moderator or admin.

    3. Any racist,abusive, bigoted or discriminating posts will not be tolerated.

    The staffs decision is final so please don't question our decision.Any aggression/abuse/second guessing,directed towards staff,carries an Automatic Ban.

    5. If we think an explanation is warranted on any decisions we will make one.

    6. Commercial Activity(Selling/Buying/Advertising/Promoting) on the forum is ABSOLUTELY NOT permitted by any member, If you decide to buy/sell via PM, Digital Kaos is not responsible for the outcome, Trading is done at your own risk, Don't come crying to us when you get scammed or robbed, no advertising in your signatures this will be edited or removed.

    6a. Posts with "Contact me" "Skype me" ,"I know how to do it"or "I can do it for you" will be REMOVED !! If you can't help someone on the open forums for free,there's more than a good chance you're breaking rule no. 6 above.

    7 . We may act on reported private messages regarding selling/trading etc.

    8. Linking to Card Sharing Payservers for any reason is not allowed.

    9. Discussions about Cardsharing are not allowed, including, but not limited to, CCcam, Oscam, MGcamd, Gbox, Mbox, etc....

    10. Discussions about Servers, Providers, Clines,Nlines, Gift's etc will be edited or removed.

    11. Do Not Ask or Discuss anything in relation to Satellite, Cable, IPTV Pay Server Lines.

    12. Discussions about hacking or modifying cable company equipment will be removed.

    Discussions about hacking or modifying Sky receivers will be removed.

    14. Do not post cable keys on the forum.

    Satellite Keys must be attached in a file, not typed in a post.

    16. Do not post images with keys or roms included.

    17. Do not post modified firmware which contains auto updating EMU.

    18. Do not post warez, keygens ( or links to them) or serials or links to any warez sites.

    19. Do not post keygens in any form or links in the garage section.

    20. Do not post torrents, nzbs or links to any torrent or nzb website.

    Do not post links/mention other forums with similar content.

    22. Do not hijack threads with unrelated questions, start your own thread.

    23. Do not upload Automotive Software of any kind. This includes cracks, keygens and license keys.

    24. No personal information ,email addresses,social media, phone numbers etc to be posted in the forums.

    25. Do not post links to your websites in your signatures or posts as this may be seen as advertising.

    Do not post thanks, good post etc as these posts just clog up the forum and make threads harder to read, and such posts will be deleted, use the thanks button located bottom left of each post.

    27. Please don't ask questions in the Chatbox. This is for small talk only, but if you are new to forums by all means pop into the chatbox and ask for advice on where to go what to do etc, the regular members will only be to happy to point you in the right direction, any other questions the forums are the place for them.

    28. Your first post MUST be in the introduction forum Introduce Yourself after you have said hello, you will be able to view and post in the other forums.
    and download files. It can sometimes take up to 15 minutes for the server to update, so you can access the other forums and download.

    29.English is the only acceptable language on the forum.Please adhere to this,to avoid unnecessary confusion to other members,and to allow the staff to be able to moderate the forums.

    30. Multiple Identities are not permitted.This is in the interest of transparency and fairness to fellow members.Aliases WILL be removed.

    31. Flaming or Trolling IS NOT acceptable behaviour on DK.Please bear this in mind at all times.....we are a community here.

    32. Please DO NOT bring commercial/personal differences to DK Forums.We are NOT a middle ground to parties in dispute.

    33. If you use fake emails to register these WILL be detected and you will be banned.

    34. Some members don't post that often,due to work/family commitments,Please DO NOT berate/belittle them for this when they ask for help,Staff take a dim view to this form of Junior Modding.

    35. Due to legal reasons,Instacode and AutoData discussions are not allowed...other than where to obtain legal copies

    36. And finally,DK is a sharing community ,which means we all give a bit and take a bit.Any serial freeloaders/leeches will be removed from the site.

    > If you have any problems downloading files, including getting a login error message ( after waiting 15 minutes for the server to update ), please log out and clear your browser cache, then log back in.
    This is a forum software issue, and usually sorts any problems out, using a different browser might also help. <

    Sanctions may be applied if these rules are broken. Further infractions within a certain timescale will result in a temporary ban.

    Enjoy the forums and have fun!

    Last edited by PremierD; 20th June, 2022 at 08:39 PM. Reason: New Rule....
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2018), McDowell (30th July, 2019), MDDrHouse (24th February, 2022), mdi (18th October, 2021), me2x (8th June, 2024), med ali94 (23rd March, 2022), MEH (3rd May, 2014), mekaku68 (29th November, 2018), melvinlua (12th March, 2014), messaid saadane (22nd July, 2017), Michal Benni (10th July, 2023), mickelrobeultra (5th May, 2018), mido elhwary (10th September, 2023), Mimikins88 (16th January, 2023), misunderstanding (15th February, 2014), miz (23rd December, 2019), Mmjapelou (5th October, 2017), moiseabels (1st April, 2023), momogsm (20th April, 2019), morpheus70 (28th January, 2021), Mortalwolf95 (4th September, 2023), mostafa sadir (8th October, 2017), mostafamohamed (23rd October, 2018), MSERNAQUE (8th January, 2018), Muhmas (22nd September, 2015), Mulik5 (15th April, 2023), mycarelectronic (9th November, 2022), Myravey (5th November, 2023), NASONOUI (30th May, 2023), Nayobyh (29th March, 2023), Nchafuan (28th November, 2019), ndjine2005 (14th April, 2019), neilackers (27th July, 2013), neily123 (5th May, 2013), netigeorg (11th September, 2023), newgoal (9th January, 2016), newkidb (20th August, 2023), nicogaragearg (14th May, 2023), nightlong (2nd August, 2019), nihadbeg (27th July, 2018), nil (14th March, 2023), Nobby Nutz (25th June, 2013), noneshallknow (6th January, 2020), normandia (21st July, 2022), Northon838 (14th June, 2023), nsenyuz (29th July, 2018), nth2 (11th October, 2015), nWoSanya (1st July, 2022), Oazar (9th December, 2022), oguz3535 (7th November, 2019), Okinux (16th November, 2021), okpo6000 (16th May, 2024), OlegFV (15th November, 2022), olga83 (28th February, 2016), Olivanov (6th February, 2018), OMAR FIDI (28th September, 2016), omarzoro (6th May, 2023), osh73 (3rd December, 2015), osman dominguez (26th July, 2013), Ostry (27th August, 2021), oto5 (23rd January, 2023), otojm (26th June, 2018), OussamaJJG (25th March, 2023), owieczka (31st January, 2018), palanta0804 (24th January, 2023), Panther785 (22nd July, 2013), paulkapsalis (22nd 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