yes it worked, thanks again mate sorry to be a pain, thanks for your input
yes it worked, thanks again mate sorry to be a pain, thanks for your input
HD Glass16 ver. 2.66
- added piconProv and Sat - enhanced infobar
- control code optimalization
- small color corection in all screens
I love the look of this skin, but it crashes my DM800 running Blackhole 0.12. god damnit
HD Glass16 ver. 2.68
- fix screen7 - CA logo
- changed the way to displaying of the caids to format: Used .... Remaining or Available (not used any caid)
- added sid at end of the row with caids
thank youuuuu
HD Glass16 ver. 2.69
- fix screen8,9 - re-added ecm/caid line info
Last edited by RuberDuck; 13th May, 2011 at 11:56 AM.
Awesome skin! I really love the customization but I have a small problem with the event names that are not in English not displaying correctly.
As you can see in the picture below the event names in English are displayed ok but the event name in Greek is cut short. Is there a way of giving it more space?
Last edited by thermosiphonas; 13th May, 2011 at 07:08 AM.
Oh, I thought you were one of them...
Where can I contact them?
i'm not one of the skin makers me self. i'm a member of team VIX the skinner is shamann you can contact him here
HD Glass16 ver. 2.69
HD Glass16 Ver. 2.72
-added Temp.DB and Fan Rpm - can be enabled via setup - when Autocolor is enabled, color of the Temp. and Rpm is changed by value of the Temperature: N/A - blue, <35 - green, <45 - orange, <45 - red
-added support for the plugin Shoutcast
-color correction for BH panels (VU+)
-better graphics for Channelselection with pig, EMC and Shoutcast
HD Glass16 ver. 2.74
- changed option: Enable Temp .... to Prov and Temp/Rpm line set to: only Prov, only Temp/Rpm, autochange Prov and Temp/Rpm
HD Glass16 ver. 2.75
- added new type of oled: only Time (in infobarsummary)
- fix "sample" user info
HD Glass16 ver. 2.76
- changed the way to restart E2 when restart is initialize by setup or restore - primary: quitmainloop, secondary: kill enigma2 process