Filled with trash and unneeded cargo, the "Johannes Kepler" Automated Transfer Vehicle-2 (ATV-2) undocked from the aft port of the International Space Station?s Zvezda service module at 10:46 a.m. EDT Monday and will be deorbited for a destructive re-entry in Earth?s atmosphere. The European Space Agency supply ship delivered seven tons of cargo when it docked on Feb. 24.

The undocking makes room for the ISS Progress 43 cargo ship which is scheduled to launch Tuesday at 10:38 a.m. from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, docking to the aft port of the Zvezda service module two days later.

Meanwhile inside the station, Expedition 28 Flight Engineer Ron Garan spent some time working in the Quest airlock to resize the spacesuits that will be used during the upcoming STS-135 mission of space shuttle Atlantis to the station. Garan and Flight Engineer Mike Fossum, both veteran spacewalkers, will make an excursion during the mission.

Commander Andrey Borisenko worked with the Coulomb Crystal experiment, which studies dynamic and structural characteristics of the Coulomb systems formed by charged dispersed diamagnetic macroparticles in a magnetic trap. Coulomb systems are structures following Coulomb?s Law, a law of physics describing the electrostatic interaction between electrically charged particles. It was essential to the development of the theory of electromagnetism.

Alexander Samokutyaev, also a flight engineer, performed routine maintenance on the environmental control and life support system in the Zvezda service module.

The three newest Expedition 28 crew members ? Fossum and Flight Engineers Sergei Volkov and Satoshi Furukawa ? continued their onboard orientation, learning the layout of the station and continuing to familiarize themselves with the orbiting laboratory?s operations.

The crew members took part in a drill to practice for the unlikely event of an emergency that would require that they exit the orbital complex.

NASA - Living and Working
