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  1. #1
    V.I.P. Member
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    Default LTU & LT3.0 Download + Jungleflasher

    FW Pack

    C4E***8217;s iXtreme LT Ultimate in association with Team Jungle & Team Xecuter
    Official release of the iXtreme LT Ultimate for Team Xecuter LTU PCB
    - Support for Liteon 0225, 0401, 1071, 1175, 1532, Hitachi 0500/0502
    - No need for firmware dump of source drive. Requires dvdkey and J-Runner data
    - Supports enhanced topology data if present for more accurate topology responses (Future ABGX support)
    - Requires new JF to support LTU board flashing process. Use 0800 dual layer disc in drive to enable reflashing/vendor mode once LTU is written to board
    This firware is uniquely written for the TX LTU board. It has all the features of LT 3.0 with the addition of the LTU features.
    The 1332 chip has been the most secure chip used in the 360 to date. Cudos to MTK/Liteon for their attempt.
    The movement of the dvdkey, AES routines and realtime firmware checks into the drive CPU was a nice touch.
    I would like to dedicate this release to fellow countryman and Commodore hacker Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Keep the bastards honest. 
    Thanks go to Team Jungle and all testers for their hard work and efforts in the development process. 
    Thanks also go to Team Xecuter for their support to this project.

    JungleFlasher 0.1.94(320) 
    Support for new Key verification process
    Vendor command support for DG-16D5S Drives 
    -xecuter X360USB Pro ***f/w update required***
    -xecuter X360USB Pro 2 ***f/w update required***
    Extra functions to utilise RGH extracts with LTU using T-X DG-16D5S replacement PCB
    Support for LT Plus 3.0
    -Hitachi 78, 79
    Support for LTU 1.2, using T-X replacement PCB
    -liteon DG-16D5S  1175, 1352
    -liteon DG-16D4S  0225, 0401, 1071 - lost f/w replacement, replaced with a T-X DG-16D5S replacement
    -hitachi DL10N 0500, 0502 - replaced with a DG5S
    Bug fix to SlimKey for bytes at 3f005, 3f006
    IO port enumeration for Win 8 using old school PCI bus scan
    -Using new portIO drive from schtrom with 32bit memory access
    Jrunner & Tut links to follow but if you have a clue you should be sound

    This is the PCB required TX Liteon DG-16D5S - Replacement PCB 1175+ - 360 Firmware - Xbox 360 - MTUK LTD

    Jrunner (From RMS)
    - Added support for LTU required files on "Extract files" function for use with JungleFlasher
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by cunny; 31st January, 2013 at 05:52 PM.

    "Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot."

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to cunny For This Useful Post:

    ablueheron (29th March, 2013), adeys (25th August, 2013), CweLe (18th April, 2020), gnesper (21st November, 2019)



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