i need to virginize a m1.5.5. But i can't do this with carprog. With this tool, i can only read out the ecu. If i give this ecu to my friendly opel dealer, he can't virginize it with the securitycode. Have anyone a manual, how to do it with the tech2? I think, the dealer has no fun with this work, and without a manual, he won't do that. Can he do this in the car? I think so.

if i read the 24c16 out with a programmer. Can anyone say what i must do to virinize the dump?
What happens, if i play a emty dump into the ecu?

By the way, the dump with the programmer is not the same like the dump from carprog. But the dump with the programmer is correct, because i can see the VIN.

The car is not in my near, so i can't test it directly.

Thank you,
