I need a Technomate guru to try and solve a small but very annoying problem.

I have a TM600 and am streaming video files via my PC to my TV

I am running VLP(movieplayer 1.5) on the TM600

VLC player 0.8.6i is running on the PC and it all works (more or less) as it should.

I pick a file to stream and press 'OK'

Then I get the message: Buffering video stream..... please wait.

Then I get the message:
A streaming error occurred. Please make sure that VLC is started on the PC and that it can play the file you selected. (Then an OK button.)

So I press OK and it goes through the same sequence.

By usually the 3rd time, there is a longer pause and then the stream appears on the TV.

The main problem is, each time I press OK it moves to the next file in the list. So by the time I get it running, it's not the file I picked. I have to exit and start again, usually picking a file 1 or 2 above the one I actually want to view.

Basically it seems like a 'timeout' problem while it's buffering the stream.

Is there some setting somewhere that I can adjust to overcome this problem?

Any advice gratefully received.