Quote Originally Posted by louis1170 View Post
Hi LraiZer,

I have followed you suggestion and i tried to create the image using the new and updated way. Unfortunately i still have the same problem.

[ -x /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/cdk/root-enigma-squashfs-local.sh ] && KERNEL=2.6 KERNELVERSION=2.6.9 LIBC=glibc BOXTYPE=dreambox BOXMODEL=dm500 /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/cdk/root-enigma-squashfs-local.sh /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdkflash /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/cdk || true
/usr/bin/install -c linux-2.6.9/arch/ppc/boot/images/zImage.treeboot /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdkflash/boot/root/platform/kernel/os
mv /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdkflash/boot/root/platform/kernel/bild .
/home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdk/bin/mkcramfs-e -eb /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdkflash/boot /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdkflash/boot-cramfs.img
/bin/bash: /home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdk/bin/mkcramfs-e: No such file or directory
make: *** [/home/louis3785/tuxbox-cvs/root/cdkflash/boot-cramfs.img] Error 127

Please advise.

Thanks you in advance
This error confused me to at first, but actually there is a binary called "mkcramsfs-e".

Its a 32-bit binary, and if you are running a 64-bit linux, you get the error "No such file or directory" when you try to run it.

I installed a 32-bit linux version on a spare harddrive, but maybe there is some way to run 32-bit binaries on 64-bit linux too.