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    Default VU Solo2 S E Clone

    I am trying to sort out a mates VU Solo2 S E CLone he recently purchased from China. I've got a couple of questions I hope someone can help with

    1/ How do I tell what type or version the box is? - There is a sticker on the top of the box giving a website to download images from but they all seem ancient, I would prefer to get one from here

    2/ I am interested in using the most recent clone safe Blackhole Image. Could someone point me in the right direction of a compatible image

    3/ Is it possible to fit a 1TB internal HDD taken out of an old Duo original. My mate says the clone box didn't come with the 2 HDD leads. This is to save me dismantling the box.


  2. #2
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    Dont hold me to this but i believe there are 2 chip types one is Lonrisun the other i am unsure of, You need to find out which it is before you flash an image as you could corrupt the main flash which would then need changing.

    As for the Hard drive if they are the same as the original then they only take a 2.5" drive (laptop) style

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    strummer (21st September, 2015)

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    Thanks for your reply mate, I was told on another forum that the sticker on the top R H corner of the box (saying download images from a certain website) meant it was a
    Lorinsun. Do you know if this is correct?

    Does the fact that it came from seller with BH 2.1.3 a fairly current image mean that it is a V4?

    I have tried everything to make a complete backup of the current image (BH backup menu, backupsuite and autobackup) but nothing seems to work, I think certain files in the current image may be corrupt.

    You are right about the HDD the Duo original takes a 3.5" and the Solo2 S E takes 2.5"

    Sorry about all the questions

  5. #4
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    Hi Strummer,

    I could not say for certain if your machine can take the latest V4 images as the other box type is the Sunray chip which did get updated from what i can gather, I would proceed with caution before you do any update just to be safe i have uploaded the solo2 bootloader should you need it.

    Just for Info but it appears that support has stopped for the Lonrisun clones where as Sunray (Sim2) have carried on support for there clone Solo2



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    Quote Originally Posted by strummer View Post
    I am trying to sort out a mates VU Solo2 S E CLone he recently purchased from China. I've got a couple of questions I hope someone can help with

    1/ How do I tell what type or version the box is? - There is a sticker on the top of the box giving a website to download images from but they all seem ancient, I would prefer to get one from here

    2/ I am interested in using the most recent clone safe Blackhole Image. Could someone point me in the right direction of a compatible image

    best sex dolls
    3/ Is it possible to fit a 1TB internal HDD taken out of an old Duo original. My mate says the clone box didn't come with the 2 HDD leads. This is to save me dismantling the box.

    Yes, I've run into similar problems and I'm looking forward to someone fixing all of this



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