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  1. #1
    DK Veteran Saltire's Avatar
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    Question VU+DUO genuine model, who is using one ?

    As the title says, I was wondering if there is anyone using a VU+DUO genuine model (not a clone) ??

    I am best to find out first if someone is actually using one or has got one they can plug in etc.

    Its just that I have had a few problems and without going into detail its best I try and get hold of someone with the same box as me as I am pretty sure the little bit of info I require would have to come from someone with the same box.

    Let me know a.s.a.p please, thanks.

  2. #2
    V.I.P. Member

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    yes vu duo original and just about running

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to cactikid For This Useful Post:

    Saltire (21st November, 2016)



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