The DM520HD... has a sim card,


The Japhar Sim is like any other sim, if you load the wrong image to the wrong box, it will not work. Hopefully the Japhar Team created the best fix software, that works with all Sim cards and Boxes... it's called the JapharFlasher.

The Japhar Sim, for DM800HD, is much better than any other sim, as it does all the Ferrari, Japhar, Sim2 2.01 and Sim2 2.10 images... all in 1 sim, no need to change the sim, and you can use ALL the images from all thest teams...

Unethical would be to use a clone box like the sim2 and the clone sims, but the Japhar is built to work with all boxes, Original and Clones, so it's just a sim with no relationship with any clone manufacturers, this definitely ethical ;o).