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    Retired Sat TV Addict
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    Default Red ring of Death fixes

    Fix 1:If you have an old original xbox1 get the rubber feet off it

    cut 2 of them in half.....leaving 4 bits of rubber with curved ends.

    Dissasemble 360 completely and take motherboard out of case.

    Stick the 4 Bits of old xbox rubber onto ram chips with double sided sticky pad.

    They may already have squishy pink pads on remove these first.

    Next take the other 2 whole xbox rubber feet and cut the curved ends off.

    Remove xclamps from motherboard and take the hard black plastic centres out.

    Place the rubber squares on the motherboard and make sure they fit nicely
    in free square space on processors, not on top of any resistors etc, and fit the xclamps back on top.

    Re-assemble 360, but do not put lid on.

    Turn on without connecting motherboard fan.

    Wait till 3 red lights become 2 red lights and then wait 1 more minute.

    Turn off 360 from mains supply as it will not turn off from front button.

    Re-connect motherboard fan.

    Wait 10-15 mins to cool.

    Turn on 360 should now work flawlessly although fan will be louder than
    it was previously and will remain so.

    Fully reassemble 360.

    This fix has worked for me for 4 red light (flashed) xbox360's
    and has continued to work for past 5 months.... and is still working now.

    If you have not flashed / opened your xbox previously then send it to
    Microsoft and do not even attempt this fix.


    __________________________________________________ _______________________________

    Fix2:3 RED LIGHT FIX

    The problem with the towel trick is that it heats up parts of the 360 that you dont want heating up and can cause the tiny capacitors to fall off the bottom of the mother board. they are about 1mm in size you you can forget finding them or re-soldering them back on if this happens.

    They is a way to manually fix the 360 but it does involes a little skill and you must be really careful when doing this.

    I have repaired loads of 360's with this method.

    You have to fully take out the mother board.
    Flip it over and remove the X-clamps on the back of the heatsinks covering the cpu and gpu.
    Remove all the thermal paste from the cpu and gpu also remove it all from the heatsinks.

    Ive found the best way to get this off is to spray some WD-40 into a cup and dip cottom buds into it (the one's that people clean there ears with)
    rub the cotton buds onto the old thermal paste to get it off.

    You will have to make sure that they all are very shiny clean (mirror like)

    Put new thermal paste onto the gpu and cpu (small amount) and spread it evenly.

    Now put the heatsinks back on the motherboard.

    NOTE: it is best to throw the xclamps and the clamp bolt going into the heat sinks and relace with M5 10mm machine screws and washers but that will be a major big post to tell all that so i'll just stick to the basics.

    When the heatsinks are back on Leave the motherboard out ogf the case for now.

    put the front display onto the motherboard, plug in the tv cable and power cable to the mother board (DONT put the dvd drive and fans back yet)

    power on the 360,

    If the 3 red lights are gone put the full console back together.

    If the 3 red lights are still there leave the console on a good heat resistant surface. eg NOT on the carpet or plastic. Use a chopping board or kitchen side for it.

    Have the 360 powered on until the 3 red lights turn into 2 red lights
    NOTE: this will only heat the GPU and CPU not the full board.

    When its changed to 2 red lights leave for 1-2 mins then turn power off at the plug socket outlet.

    Leave to stand for 15-20 mins to cool down then turn back on.

    The 3 red lights should now have gone back to the wonderful green lights.

    Put the console back together (dont forget to connect the dvd drive cables back up)

    Your console should now be fixed.

    Like i said previous, for the best fix swap the x-clamps for M5 10mm bolts and washers. It stops the board from warping when it gets hot and clamps the GPU and CPU down nice and snug.

    The most common reason for the 3 red lights is the board warps due to center pressure of the x-clamp under heat and pops the corner of the GPU/CPU off the board (hairline), only very slightly but it does.

    Hope this helps some of you 360 owners out.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________
    Alternatively, if your warranty is still valid then send it back, they should fix their own problems. if your warranty is void then you may aswell try these.
    hope this helps.
    Last edited by .: JaCkPoT :.; 20th December, 2008 at 04:44 PM.

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  2. #2
    DK Veteran djjwdubz's Avatar
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    wow thanks man i got a 3 red lights xbox360 hear its my brothers and i dont no how to fix i need some wd40 an i aint got none big thanks i was usein nail polish remover dont work that good tho realy slow
    Last edited by djjwdubz; 16th December, 2008 at 07:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Top Poster + dowlinr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djjwdubz View Post
    wow thanks man i got a 3 red lights xbox360 hear its my brothers and i dont no how to fix i need some wd40 an i aint got none big thanks i was usein nail polish remover dont work that good tho realy slow
    3 Red lights are covered under warranty by MS for 3 years from manufacture date (see the back of your console). Unless you've modded it and it's now banned send it back. If you have modded it, send it back anyway. The worst they can do is send it back unfixed.

    Btw, what are you talking about WD40 and nail polish remover for?

  4. #4
    V.I.P. Member thered's Avatar
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    i got my kids 360 chipped it broke 3 red lights

    microsoft arranged for it to be collected from my house fixed it sent it back with a new 3 year guarantee all within less than a fortnight of phoning

    they even posted the copy game that was left in the drive back to me, faultless service

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    Default x box throw thru the window sick

    hi have done all the things you said but still 3 lights no hope cheers

  6. #6
    V.I.P. Member thered's Avatar
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    microsoft will fix x-box 360's with 3 red lights even outside of the guarantee or if they are chipped as its a major fault with most older x-box 360's

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    they cant exactly steal it off you... you send it and its their choice if they want to fix a modded one but they have to fix a genuine...

    Read the Rules here; they apply to Everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sadiq999uk View Post
    they cant exactly steal it off you... you send it and its their choice if they want to fix a modded one but they have to fix a genuine...
    My flashed xbox has just got an E74 error (1 red light) 22 days outside warranty. I'm sending it back as a 3 red lighter. Just need to flash the thing back now to the original firmware and remove all traces of the warranty seal.

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    i tried rbjtechs method for replacing the x clamps . its now on mk3. doesnt work all the time, a more permanent solution seems to be re balling. but can be expensive

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    Default x box sado

    cheers mate will try when sober after new year .happy new year to all members

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    Good advice, I too have repaired countless Xbox's using this method, Although you might need to do some tweaking to get results where the bolts are concerned by either loosening them off a little.

    sometimes if an Xbox just will not come back on you might want to put some weight on top of heatsinks while you wait for two red lights (Overheat) this can sometimes revive them.

    I use tim cleaner from maplin for cleaning off old heat compound and I make sure I clean ALL the compund off as if there is a big glob of itcovering half the top of the processor it can transfer all that heat onto the components on top of the CPU and cause tonnes of crashes etc, so when puttin new grease on only use a small drop so it dont go too much over edges.

    I mostly know how far down to tighten the bolts from experience but used to use nylon washers, all you have to remember is that they are finger tight enough to hold the heatsink LEVEL while not putting any strain on the board to allow it to warp.

  12. #12
    Junior Member Dandaman1969's Avatar
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    Default ring of death

    i got myself a set of screws/nylon washers and spring washers and some thermal paste off ebay and i also replaced the 4 thermal pads on the bottom of the board and to my surprise my xbox 360 has not gone down for over 6 weeks and it gets plenty of hammer, the best 15 pounds i ever spent. They even told me how to repair it myself took me about an hour and all was good.

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    i have been using more or less the same methods for the last year and only 3 have came back to me since.
    great minds think alike bud!!!!

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    Default 360 fix

    I took the two stars off the bottom of the heatsinks, made some non conductive washers and used 8 M4 15mm screws, new heat compound, best 30 mins spent making the 360 even better..... total cost...... 30 minutes of my time top job still going strong after 4 months

  15. #15
    Junior Member sasquash's Avatar
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    Tried the fix for 3 red lights, still no good, hav to bite the bullet and buy a new console. Unless anyone has any other ideas on how to fix. cheers


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