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  1. #1
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    Default kodi 18.5 buffering?

    I've tried hardware accelerators on/off and set video cache to max but beginning to think it is the build, the issue not being as bad on earlier revs. I have an old all black mxq that runs fine from AlexElec on an sd card. Any suggestions for a lighter flavour of kodi that may be better suited to lightweight boxes?

  2. #2
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    Try clearing the cache while Kodi is running. If that doesn't work try Kodi 19 instead of 18.5. But most of the current builds and addons are not Kodi 19 compatible yet and updating Kodi will wreck your current setup! Do not upgrade until all of your favorite builds and addons are ready.
    Last edited by habanvee; 21st February, 2022 at 11:59 AM.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to habanvee For This Useful Post:

    mikk (19th February, 2022)



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