hello everybody... I just have one question . Is xhorse ever going to add keys by code for kwik set and any other house locks.... I purchased m4 jaw a long time ago and its pretty much useless..... I used it one time just to test function and I really don't like the trace function as it looks like it puts alot of stress on the machine... Im thinking of buying the futura pro but if xhorse is planning on adding these functions I can use the money on something different... Maybe Autohex 2 full package...

My toys so far.

Silca Sbb. Still use it alot for older ford , honda, and nissan
Londsor ks518. Used it 3 times
Auro Im100. My main workhorse its in my go bag ..
Autel ms908
Autel Elite. Recent purchase for shop
Autel Im508 recent purchase for van
Vvdi 2
Vvdi mbtool
Vvdi prog
Vvdi key tool .. and keytool mini and keytool max
Mercedes and BMW dealer tools with current software
Xhorse condor mini plus
Codewizard pro 2
Fvdi 2018
Johnc Combi Adapter
Snap on verus pro
All lishi picks that I currently need..
Car prog cracked offline and another 1 that says it online
Tango key programmer
Power probes like 4 of them
Pico scope
And many more to remember of the top of my head....

Should I wait on xhorse and by autohex 2 or Should I go ahead and purchase Futura Pro and maybe Abrites???

I also want to get into Airbag Reset service I was looking into Calcmaster any input on there product??

Any Input appreciated thankyou...